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Japanese mental health system

Ken Udagawa

I’m Ken Udagawa. 
I’m a consumer. I am diagnosed as schizo-affective.
I came to Los Angeles last Sunday as a staff of mental health consumer exchange program.
I’m a staff of The Next Step which support this exchange program between Japan and Los Angeles for 4 years. 
It’s not Project Return. 
We’re just The Next Step. 
We are working for Mitchy Akiyoshi and for the next step of recovery, and the next step of empowerment for consumers. 
Consumer exchange program between Japan and Los Angeles was started by Michy Akiyoshi who passed out 6 years ago.
And we have two staff of this group me and Saho.
I and Saho become a step stone for other consumers next step. 
We have no office. 
We only have each own computer and website and email address and fax number and time to volunteer work for consumer exchange program.
I will talk about Japanese mental health system.

We have 2 major mental health problems to solve in Japan.

One is so-called social inpatients.
‘Social inpatients’ means psychiatric inpatients who do not need technical medical care in mental hospital any more and who cannot discharge from mental hospital because no one wants to take care of him or her in community.
It means community wants him or her to live in mental hospital until they die in mental hospital.
It is literary social death of the consumers.
The number of social inpatients is 77,000.
329,100 inpatients are still hospitalized in mental hospital this is the number of June 2003, ministry of health welfare and labor got published.
Among them more than 90,000 inpatients are hospitalized more than 10 years.
And 48,300 inpatients are hospitalized more than 20 years among them.

The other problem is independent supporting bill.
Japanese disabled peoples’ independent supporting bill is in deliberations of Congress. 
In this bill they stop the discrimination of service among physical disability and intellectual disability and mental disability.
This is the good point for us
Because physical disabled people and intellectual disabled people get good services and mental disabled people get less services now. 
And the budget is similar as the service.
Ministry of health, welfare and labor make this bill to reduce the national budget for the disabled people. 
They said they promote the training of the disabled people to get job by this bill. 
But in Japan we still do not have the law which prohibits discrimination for disabled people like ADA. 
So if these bills will do well for disabled people to get job but disabled people can not protect or assert their own rights of rational accommodation in the workplaces. 
We will get trained to work because of these bills but when we start to work in the workplaces we cannot get respect for our disability from co-workers without anti-discrimination law. 
Japanese prime minister started administrative reform. 
This Japanese disabled peoples’ independent supporting bill is the one of the administrative reform. 
So ministry of welfare health and labor aimed to reduce budget for disabled people not to improve the quality of service for disabled people. 
They think budget cut first, quality of service is second, but they do not think about Japanese with Disability Act JDA like ADA. 
But I think we cannot work without JDA. 
We cannot go to workplace without the protection of anti-discrimination laws.
We need JDA first.
Thank you

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