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Japanese mental health system

I’m Ken Udagawa. 
I’m a consumer. I am diagnosed as schizo-affective.
I came to Los Angeles last Wednesday as a staff of consumer exchange program.
I’m a staff of The Next Step. 
It’s not Project Return. 
We’re just The Next Step. 
We are working for Mitchy Akiyoshi and for the next step of recovery, and the next step of empowerment for consumers. 
We work for consumer exchange program between Japan and Los Angeles which was started by Michy Akiyoshi who passed out 5 years ago.
And we have two staff of this group me and Saho.
I and Saho become a step stone for other consumers next step. 
We have no office. 
We only have each own computer and website and email address and fax number and time to volunteer work for consumer exchange program.
I’ll talk about mental health system in Japan. 
And Saho will compare American mental health system with Japanese one.
And other members will talk about turning point of their recovery.

We don’t have mental health association in Japan.
Family organization is working like mental health association. 
They made many facilities. 
They go to government office to talk about their problem. They worked like care manager of community. 

We have Japanese unique culture in Asia, which is built on sense of shame. 
In Japan shame is not a individual issue. 
If one member of home has shame act or shame property, it goes to all family member of home. 
It spread to shame of home. 
They hate to let other community members know shame of their home.
So families always try to hide us consumers from community because mental health user is member of family, it become shame of home.
They hide us from community with such a culture of shame.

But in Japan only family organization worked to create community care.
They made many workshops for their sons or daughters spending their money.
In most of the case, consumers living in community lives with their family.
Family cannot empower them to live in community independently because they want us to live in community but they wants us not to be assertive in community. 
They want us not to talk about mental health issue to other community members when family members are alive. 
They made us hidden in their home. 

During the years that family members take care of their consumers, the consumer can live in community.
But what will happen if family do not take care of them?
In most case when family who took care of them died, most of consumers who lived in community with their family went back to mental hospital. 
Family members took care of consumers but made them too weak to live in community without family. 

And other problem is the number of inpatients of mental hospital is increasing yet. 
This is rare case of industrial country. 
I should say we have no real community care in Japan.
We only have imported community care model which works during family take care of their consumers. 
It means consumer who lives in community with their family are half dead socially. 
When family member died they go back to mental hospital and live in mental hospital to end of their life.
So we should create real Japanese community care model because other Asian country started to import Japanese mental health system.

One year ago Government Ministry of Health and Welfare and Work decide a plan to order to mental hospital to get 77,000 inpatients discharge to community. The people who get out of mental hospital with this government’s order are called social inpatients. 
Social impatient means mental inpatient who do not need technical medical care in mental hospital any more and who cannot discharge from mental hospital because no one wants to take care of him or her in community.
It means community wants him or her to live in mental hospital until they die in mental hospital.
It is literary social death of the consumer.
And it is evidence of we have no real community care in Japan.
The number of social inpatients is over 300,000.
It comes from Japanese mental health system which arose culture of shame of home.

So Japanese mental health system has 3 big problems which have no solution yet.
1, Too many people with mental illness who do not need technical medical care in mental hospital is hospitalized in mental hospital yet. And they have no choice but live to end of their lives in mental hospital.
2, no real community care. 
We have only mental health system which disguise to have a kind of community care model. 
But if it does not work without family, it’s fake.
3, homeless problem will arise in few years. Order of discharge from Government will reduce number of social inpatients and cut off government’s health budget. 
It apparently makes community homeless problem into mental health issue. 
But no government office is ready for it.

I should say good news of Japanese mental health system.
National consumer organization was founded 10 years ago, 1993. 
From last year, 2002 two representatives of national consumer organization get seats of community care committee and community home-help service committee of Ministry of health and welfare and work of national government. 
One person who got that seat had come to Los Angeles last year as a member of this consumer exchange program. 
So in Japan it starts nothing about us without us. 
This is only a start but it’s a real step to have good community service.

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(C) 1997-2006 Ken Udagawa All Rights Reserved